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Writer's pictureAshley Gorman

The importance of body language in the work place

Updated: May 23, 2023

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication that can convey important messages and signals in the workplace. It has the power to influence both relationships between colleagues, as well as business outcomes. As such, it’s essential for employees to understand how their body language affects others and be mindful of what they are communicating through their gestures.

In its most basic form, body language includes posture, facial expressions, hand gestures and eye contact. However subtle or unconscious these movements may be, each gesture conveys a message about an individual’s feelings and attitude towards a situation or person. For example making direct eye contact with someone when speaking communicates confidence while avoiding eye contact could give off the impression of guilt or insecurity.

In addition, having good posture demonstrates respect whereas slouching might suggest disinterest in a conversation or lack of engagement with the task at hand. It’s also important to remember that body language is often more powerful than verbal communication because it can provide insight into how people really feel rather than just what they say verbally. This is especially true when emotions run high during difficult conversations or meetings; if one colleague appears tense while another looks relaxed then this could indicate different levels of comfort within the group dynamic, which should be addressed before proceeding further with any discussion points on the agenda.

Moreover, studies have shown that positive body language can increase productivity in teams by building trust amongst members, which ultimately leads to better collaboration and improved results overall. On top of this, research has found that adopting ‘power poses’ (eagerness) instead of ‘weak poses’ (resistance) prior to meetings increases testosterone levels leading to greater success rates for negotiations - so even something as simple as standing tall before entering a room can make all difference!

Overall, it is clear that understanding how your own body language affects those around you – both positively and negatively - is an extremely valuable skill in today's working environment where interpersonal interactions are increasingly commonplace yet highly influential on team dynamics and performance outcomes alike

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